A Ministry Community that is empowered and led by the resident and abiding faith, the Spirit of Truth, that gives us the power to live changed lives, while promoting and producing that same change in the lives of others to advance the Kingdom of God.
To be a Christ-centered, Holy Spirit empowered, community ministry that glorifies God, where faith is nurtured, lives are changed, and people are empowered to walk, by Faith, in Prayer and the experience of Worship in the FREEDOM of the Spirit: FREEDOM is the power and authority found (confirmed, deep-rooted, and established) in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, ABIDING within us.
Dr. Jeff (Dr. J) & Elder Lisa Chandler are the pastors of Abiding Faith Ministries (AFM). Under their leadership, Abiding Faith works toward the ministry vision and mission of helping all to live Moment by Moment All by Faith, through daily prayer conference calls, podcasts, weekly virtual ministry worship moments, hosting annually the Radical Love Marriage Retreat, fostering ministry partnerships with other ministries and non-profit organizations to advance the work of kingdom ministry. The ministry also ministers to the needs of women and men through W.O.N.D.E.R.F.U.L. Wives and the Men’s Corner for the brothers. Most recently Pastors Chandler have led the efforts of establishing global outreach and ministry in Uganda, providing health, nutritional, educational, and spiritual support for a group of underserved women and children.