What is this BETTER?
Let’s look at BETTER in the context of 1 Peter 5: 8-10 to understand that as we flow with His FRESH WIND that what BETTER should mean to us is to:
Be sober, alert, vigilant, watchful for all that is going on around us as we make our way through to BETTER.
Be intentional and focused to also grow to BE BETTER in all that God has called and spoken for us to BE– that is BE more gentle, kind, loving, patient, peaceful and so on as this FRESH WIND of His Spirit is flowing in and through us to produce BETTER not just for us but also as testimony for His glory.
No matter how loudly and angrily the enemy is roaring in and through our situations and circumstances attempting to devour us, attempting to steal, kill and destroy our dreams, vision and destiny and even our very lives we must ENDURE.
No matter how difficult the journey to BETTER may seem as we flow with His FRESH WIND we must not quit or give up we must stand STRONG in Him and ENDURE.
We must be firmly rooted in our FAITH and TRUST God throughout the circumstances of right now as this FRESH WIND leads to the promised next of BETTER.
We must TRUST God in this FRESH WIND and within the PROCESS of RESTORATION, RENEWAL and REVIVAL to lead us to the promise of BETTER.
We must TRUST that no matter what it looks like or feels like right now God will fulfill His PURPOSE, through His POWER to deliver His PROMISE of BETTER through this FRESH WIND.
Tied Together
As we make this journey through and by this FRESH WIND, we must realize we don’t journey alone, not only is God with us and for us, but we are all in this thing together, tied together with one another.
None of us is facing any of these challenges, issues, struggles or sufferings alone. Your “it”may not be my “it” but we all have “its” that we are facing and we are not alone – we are TIED TOGETHER through it all as God leads us through it all by this FRESH WIND of His Spirit to our promised BETTER.
Expect God
No matter what it looks like or feels like right now we must EXPECT GOD to do just what He said, EXPECT GOD to fulfill His PURPOSE by His POWER to bring forth His PROMISE of BETTER through this FRESH WIND.
We must EXPECT that no matter what we are or have gone through and may go through that God by His loving grace will keep and sustain us as we travel along with Him in this FRESH WIND to the promise of BETTER.
After we have gone through for just a little while and as we travel in the flow of this FRESH WIND, we must EXPECT that God will personally and powerfully restore us, empower us, make us stronger than ever, perfect us and lead us by this FRESH WIND to firmly plant us in BETTER to build us up to be BETTER and do BETTER for His glory.
No matter what it looks like or feels like right now we must continue to flow with God in and through this FRESH WIND knowing that come what may there is always a reason to REJOICE and give Him PRAISE!
REJOICE in the EXPECTATION of God in this FRESH WIND that God can and God will do just what He said He would do, both through this FRESH WIND and also in and through each of us.
REJOICE because God has all the POWER and CONTROL that is needed to get us from where we are right now to the established place of BETTER He has prepared for us.